474 вакансии

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Programator PHP (Framework Laravel)

Актуализировано: вчера

Centrul de Tehnologii Informaț...
От 18 000 До 21 000 MDL

Descrierea activității: Elaborarea, dezvoltarea, implementarea, documentarea proiectelor sistemelor informaționale în domeniile: finanțelor publice, fiscal, vamal și achiziții publice în conformitate cu actele legislative și normative în vigoare; Asigurarea securității programelor, componentelor, ap...

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Programator .Net

Актуализировано: вчера

Centrul de Tehnologii Informaț...
От 18 000 До 21 000 MDL

Descrierea activității: Elaborarea, dezvoltarea, implementarea, documentarea proiectelor sistemelor informaționale în domeniile: finanțelor publice, fiscal, vamal și achiziții publice în conformitate cu actele legislative și normative în vigoare; Asigurarea securității programelor, componentelor, ap...

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PHP программист

Актуализировано: вчера


BPAY – это FINTECH компания, важной целью которой является максимальное упрощение осуществления платежей и денежных переводов. Наши продукты: электроный кошелек сеть терминалов cash in/out сеть ATM криптовалютная биржа Мы работаем во множестве областей, начиная от внедрения платежных решений на сайт...

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WordPress Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Midnight Works
От 10 000 До 20 000 MDL

Suntem în căutarea unui pasionat WordPress Developer pentru a se alătura echipei noastre de la Midnight.Works! Dacă ești un maestru al limbajelor de programare, un arhitect al codului și un magician al designului web, aceasta ar putea fi o oportunitatea ta de a excela într-un mediu dinamic și inovat...

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Vue.js Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Tara Interactive

Main responsibilities: Responsible for front end development of web-based applications using VueJS. Will work with a team of software engineers to write, test, integrate, and troubleshoot software applications and should have extensive experience working within enterprise development environments. D...

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Front End Developer (React / Next.js)

Актуализировано: вчера


We are looking for a React.js Developer to build end to end business solutions. Our requirements: 2+ years of experience with React.js Proficiency with HTML, CSS, Typescript and JavaScript Experience with React Hooks and Redux, Gatsby Familiarity with RESTful APIs Your duties: Develop new user-facin...

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Front End Developer (React / Next.js) de la 15000 Lei

Актуализировано: вчера

15 000 MDL

Cautam un coleg ambitios, care se va alatura unei echipe entuziaste care obtine performante remarcabile in fiecare luna! Responsabilități: Dezvoltarea de noi funcționalități pentru platformele noastre de turism Construirea de cod reutilizabil pentru utilizări viitoare Colaborarea cu alți membri ai e...

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UI/UX Designer (10000 - 35000 mdl)

Актуализировано: вчера

Midnight Works
От 10 000 До 35 000 MDL

Echipa Midnight Works angajează un nou coleg care i se va alătura în calitate de UI/UX mobilegames Designer. Beneficii: Posibilitatea de a face parte dintr-o companie cunoscută la nivel internațional. Suntem rezidenți IT Park. Abonament la sala de sport. Parcare subterană. Salariul flexibil, stabili...

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Software Project Manager

Актуализировано: вчера

Tara Interactive

Requirements Minimum 2+ years of experience in software development Knowledge of agile project management tools (Jira) Proven experience in development of processes and ideas Positive attitude with excellent interpersonal skills The ability to lead diverse, virtual teams Excellent written and verbal...

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Wordpress Developer Junior to Middle

Актуализировано: вчера


Descrierea jobului: Cunoașterea CMS-ului Wordpress; Cunoastera lucrului cu custom fields; Cunoștințe de bază de programare: - PHP (noțiuni generale) - HTML & CSS - JavaScript/JQuery Un grad optim de autonomie; Cunoștințe minime de comunicare limba engleză sau italiană. Oferim: Salariul motivant, neg...

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Front End Developer (React.js) (Junior | Middle)

Актуализировано: вчера


We are seeking a talented and motivated Front End Developer to join our team. As a Front End Developer, you will be responsible for developing and implementing user interfaces using React.js. You will collaborate with our team of developers and designers to create responsive and visually appealing w...

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AI/ML Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера


At Kapto, we are looking for a talented Machine Learning Engineer who is passionate about innovation, problem-solving, and growth. Your role will involve building and optimizing ML models and working closely with the engineering and ops teams to deploy and maintain models in production environments....

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IT Security Analyst

Актуализировано: вчера


IT Security Analyst will be responsible for creating, updating, and maintaining the company’s IT Security. Reports to VP Support, Services, IT Manager Responsibilities in conjunction with the IT Manager Designs, implements, and maintains effective ISMS tailored to OpenLM’s needs IT Asset Management ...

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Senior Fullstack Engineer

Актуализировано: вчера


About Roslin Roslin is a technology-enabled business services company. We specialize in improving business performance for some of America’s largest ground transportation providers. Every day our team delivers a next-generation customer experience and helps transportation companies better connect wi...

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Senior Developer .NET/C#

Актуализировано: вчера


Responsibilities: Development: develop features and infrastructure components for the platform. Operations: monitor the platform in production, debug and manage incidents, maximize reliability. Communication: communicate development status, requirements, technical specifications, proposals, best pra...

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Senior Front-end разработчик от 2500$

Актуализировано: вчера

2 500 USD

Наша команда приглашает на работу старшего Front-end разработчика. Требования к кандидату: Опыт работы с JavaScript не менее 3-х лет. Опыт работы с TypeScript (умение писать сложные типы). Опыт работы с Vue или другим современным web фреймворком не менее 1 года. Опыт работы с Vite. Знание основ верс...

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FullStack Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


We are seeking a new colleague to fill the Full Stack Developer position. For our Chisinau engineering unit - a Full Stack Development Engineer, with a solid background in analyzing, designing, and developing web-based applications and with a strong motivation to learn new technologies. Requirements...

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Maestru al Vânzărilor

Актуализировано: вчера

От 6 000 До 60 000 MDL

Cu mare bucurie vă anunțăm că căutăm un nou membru în echipa noastră entuziastă! Suntem în căutarea unui "Maestru al Vânzărilor" care să se alăture echipei noastre. Dacă te consideri un expert în arta vânzărilor și ai un zâmbet mereu pregătit pentru clienți, atunci ești persoana potrivită pentru noi...

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Android Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company: Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developm...

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Flutter/Dart Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


Компания «INTELECTSOFT» на рынке информационных технологий с 2008 года. Мы команда профессионалов с многолетним стажем в разработке программного обеспечения для автоматизации процессов торговли, складского учета, электронного документооборота предприятий малого и крупного бизнеса. Мы ищем разработчи...

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Java Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Full Stack Developer (Java and JavaScript)

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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PHP Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

От 20 000 До 50 000 MDL

Bpay - este o companie FINTECH care își propune să simplifice plățile și transferurile de bani. Proiectele noastre: portofel electronic, rețea de terminale cash in/out, rețea ATM, carduri bancare, operarea cu criptomonede. Cautam PHP Developeri Middle si Junior. Cerințe minime: PHP 8 Laravel MYSQL G...

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Mentor cu abilități în programare web

Актуализировано: вчера

Responsabilități: Organizarea și desfășurarea lecțiilor într-un format individual în conformitate cu curriculumul STEP IT Academy Moldova existent Cerințe față de candidați: Abilități de comunicare; Limbi: Română, Rusă; Experiență practică in domeniul corespunzător; Calități personale: organizare și...

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Lectori practicieni - C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET

Актуализировано: вчера

Responsabilități: Organizarea și desfășurarea lecțiilor într-un format individual în conformitate cu curriculumul STEP IT Academy Moldova existent Cerințe față de candidați: Abilități de comunicare; Limbi: Română, Rusă Experiență practică in domeniul corespunzător Calități personale: organizare și i...

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Responsabilități: Organizarea și desfășurarea lecțiilor într-un format individual în conformitate cu programul STEP IT Academy Moldova existent Cerințe față de candidați: Abilități de comunicare; Limbi: Română, Rusă; Calități personale: organizare și inițiativă, flexibilitate, autocontrol, creativit...

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Administrator baze de date

Актуализировано: вчера

Cerințe: Cunoștințe demonstrabile în instalarea, mentenanța și gestiunea oricărui din următoarele SGBD; Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL / MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle; Cunoștințe demonstrabile în arhitectura și best practices aferente SGBD; Experiență cu SQL, DDL, DML, TCL, proceduri stocate, funcții, in...

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Inginer integrări continue (DevOps)

Актуализировано: вчера

Cerințe: Cunoștințe demonstrabile în instalarea, mentenanța și gestiunea sistemelor de operare Linux (CentOS/RHEL, Ubuntu); Cunoștințe demonstrabile în tehnici și tehnologii de containerizare (docker, kubernetes, rancher); Cunoștințe în organizarea procesului de CI/CD; Experiență în administrarea pl...

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Full-stack (PHP) Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


We are actively seeking an experienced Full-stack (PHP) Developer to join our dynamic and friendly team. Requirements: Strong Back-end experience (4+ years) with PHP (Symfony preferred) Front-end experience with React and backbone.js. Good English skills (both written and spoken). What we are apprec...

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Angular Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Full-stack (PHP) Developer

Актуализировано: вчера


We are actively seeking an experienced Full-stack (PHP) Developer to join our dynamic and friendly team. Requirements: Strong Back-end experience (4+ years) with PHP (Symfony preferred) Front-end experience with React and backbone.js. Good English skills (both written and spoken). What we are apprec...

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Python Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developmen...

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Angular Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Python Developer

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developmen...

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DevOps Engineer (AWS)

Актуализировано: вчера

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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React Native Developer | IT

Актуализировано: вчера


We are seeking a skilled React Native Developer to join our team. This role involves developing robust and scalable features for our business financial products that are aimed at both web and mobile platforms. You will collaborate with a talented team of designers, backend developers, and product ma...

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Hot Software

Познакомьтесь с нами: HOT SOFTWARE - за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, сочетание азарта и сплочённости, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Нам часто предстоит выходить из своей роли, проявлять инициативу и настой...

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IT Internship Frontend, Backend, Unity (for Game Lovers)

Актуализировано: вчера

За границей
1 000 EUR

Apply now for an IT internship for game lovers in one of the following areas: Web Frontend Developer: HTML, WebGL, CSS, JavaScript, React, REST API, the candidate should be an active gamer in the best case Backend Developer: Amazon Web Services (Cognito, EC2, Cloudfront, DynamoDB, PPC, S3) Unity Dev...

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IT internship in Germany followed by employment in Chisinau

Актуализировано: вчера

За границей
От 850 До 1 000 EUR

Duration: 9-12 months Who offers? IAW (Internationale Akademie fur Aus- und Weiterbildung, a non-profit organization based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany) in collaboration with ICG Engineering SRL (a German IT company based in Chisinau, Moldova) For whom? For graduates and students of IT specialties,...

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Программист 1С

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Meta-Sistem S.R.L.

Мы растем и ищем профессионалов высокого уровня! Мы приглашаем вас в свою команду! Новые горизонты в реализации своих творческих амбиций, опыт работы на международном уровне ждет вас. В работу программиста 1С будет входить: программная доработка конфигураций 1С Предприятие; модификация и обновление ...

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Unity Developer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Midnight Works
От 20 000 До 50 000 MDL

Midnight.Works is expanding its team of Unity 3D professionals! We’re looking for a passionate Game Developer with expertise in Game Development to help create innovative and optimized 3D games for mobile devices. Benefits: Opportunity to be part of an internationally recognized company. IT Park res...

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Programator 1С (middle)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Modern Sistem SRL
От 20 000 До 30 000 MDL

Căutăm un specialist pasionat care să contribuie la dezvoltarea și optimizarea soluțiilor software pe platforma 1C. Dacă ai experiență în domeniu și îți dorești stabilitate, creștere profesională și un mediu de lucru confortabil, aceasta este șansa ta! Ce vei face? Dezvoltarea de software nou pe pla...

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Senior .NET Developer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад


EBS Integrator is a based software development company that has been creating customized mobile and web business solutions since 2010. We design flexible and scalable product architecture while using the latest technology in mobile development and network infrastructure. We offer an environment with...

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Web Junior Developer, Moldova

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

Banking Junior Developer, Moldova Cedacri International

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

WordPress Developer

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Meta-Sistem S.R.L.

Вы хороший программист или верстальщик и хорошо знакомы с CMS Wordpress? Ищите стабильную и интересную работу в команде профессионалов? Тогда эта вакансия для вас! Кто мы: группа ИТ-компаний "Meta". Мы работаем в Германии, Франции, Америке, Украине, Казахстане и Молдове. Самые интересные и перспекти...

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Middle Frontend & Backend Developer, Full-time / Part-time

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад


Despre noi! Compania Zazitex care își desfășoară activitatea in domeniul IT si Marketing iti ofera un post vacant. Despre proiect! Un proiect pentru clienții B2B cu accent pe automatizare și inovație. Proiectul IT funcționează în mod Start-up! Avem nevoie de colegi cu experienta, puternici și motiva...

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Full Stack Developer (Angular and Node.js)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Coherent Solutions

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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Unreal Engine Game Developer (15000 - 40000 mdl)

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

Midnight Works
От 15 000 До 40 000 MDL

The Midnight Works team is looking for a talented Unreal Engine Developer to join our innovative GameDev team! Benefits: Opportunity to be part of an internationally recognized company. IT Park residency status. Gym membership. Underground parking (50% covered by the company). Flexible salary, agree...

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Node.js Developer de la 2500$

Актуализировано: 2 дня назад

От 2 500 До 4 000 USD

Căutăm un programator talentat și pasionat de Node.js pentru a se alătura echipei noastre dinamice. Dacă ești o persoană creativă, entuziastă și cu o experiență solidă în dezvoltarea aplicațiilor web folosind Node.js, atunci te așteptăm să aplici pentru acest post vacant. Responsabilități: Dezvoltar...

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