Sales representative

age 27 лет


address Chișinău

1 000 MDL

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Обо мне


1 Strong group skills aimed towards respect, empathy, proffesionalism and community service which helped become a better communicator in many instances of life
2 analytical/problem solving skills with emphasis on logical deduction and inferences, enquiries.
Proof based logical argumentation in finding effective solutions for future clients
3. Artistic /creative mindset is essential in problem solving. Error and check is part of creativity in life, science and trade. I view error in sales as a proven way towards success and being able to cowork with the client is part of the job, and a big asset to my communication skill.
Adaptability is a valuable skill I learned in academic undergraduate circles. When I could not learn the material in a short period of time I had to search for new methods in acquiring the knowledge towards testing.



Румынский Свободно владею

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Свободно владею

Образование: Неполное высшее

Год окончания: 2020

University of Groningen

Факультет: Mathematics

Специальность: Applied Mathematics

Год окончания: 2017

Han University

Факультет: Life Sciences

Специальность: Biomedical research

Ещё учусь

Universitatea de stat

Факультет: Matematica

Специальность: Matematica

Пожелания к работе

График работы


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