Резюме № 165166 от 26 марта 2024
Administrator, CEO, Managing Director

age 51 год


address Chișinău

50 000 MDL

Чтобы открыть контактную информацию соискателя, нужно зарегистрироваться и оплатить услугу "Доступ к базе резюме".

Обо мне

Dear head-hunters!
I'm not over-qualified or an old-school dude. Consider myself as one of the best fitted CEO (Top manager or Project Leader) for any difficult task resolution, fast & efficient problem solving (so called doing business in Moldova).
I keep on learning, reading. I'm a team worker, much more stress-resistant as before.
Father of 4 children. I stand with Ukraine.

What I am doing perfect:
Matching the different views and opinions into shared goals and objectives.

My philosophy: Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish! Never surrender!

My advantages
 Excellent analytical & communication skills;
 Wide range professional background and experience;
 Open minded;
 Learning by doing.


Опыт работы

Май 2017 - Настоящее время
7 лет 10 месяцев

Commercial Director, Sales&Marketing

JSC Trimetrica SRL


GIS Solutions for Business
ArcGIS Platform
Business solution provider who happens to solve geospatial problems. ESRI Solutions for Business. ArcGIS Platform.
Improving network planning, controlling costs, enhancing customer service, and expanding the business by making more strategic decisions with Esri technology.
Esri ArcGIS technology enables a more intelligent, integrated approach to planning network expansions, analyzing customer trends, and developing green initiatives.

Февраль 2017 - Настоящее время
8 лет 1 месяц


Agribusiness (Lider-Agro Monthly review)


Free-lance activity (Lider-Agro SRL)
Strategic Planning,
Capacity building,

Август 1995 - Настоящее время
29 лет 7 месяцев

Professional Background



Professional background - Cover Letter:
An extensive experience in business administration, sales, negotiations, due diligence as a dispute-resolution technique.
My professional background covers 19 years of different business activities as CEO, CVO, CD, Project Manager, Business Analyst, Expert, Consulting, Sales & Marketing.
From 1995 till 2001 I was serving different positions at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, including diplomatic missions in Russia, Finland & Kazakhstan, Government, Prime-minister's office and the World Bank Program for Moldovan enterprises restructuring and technical assistance (ARIA).
Analytic skills are in demand of political parties & movements, local consulting companies, JSC in the process of restructuring, new start-up businesses.
Wide practical experience in different fields of activity within last 19 years resulted by four implemented new business projects - that serves as the best recommendation.
Master Degree in Diplomacy, MA - International Relations Department, Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine, 1995.
Project Leader of different international projects;
During past 6 years, I was involved in several consulting projects: Strategic Consulting & E-commerce development.
Act as an Expert with some global consulting companies GLG, Silverlight Research, OnFrontiers and other.
Keep on distance learning GIS, Geo-marketing, Dig Data Alanysis.

Июль 2016 - Февраль 2017
8 месяцев

Managing Director & CEO

JSC - Ukrainian Co.


CRISIS MANAGEMENT (Short-term partnership)
Automotive H/V/A/C. Special Purpose Vehicles.
Wholesale/retail trade. B2B, B2C.

Апрель 2015 - Май 2016
1 год 1 месяц

Director Comercial (sales, marketing)

Nova Poshta Moldova


Successful launching of Nova Poshta onto the Moldovan market in 2015.
Since May 2015:
Launching of new post products and services to B2B/B2C & E-commerce customers (Domestic).
Since December 2015:
a) cross-border international post/parcels & non-standard goods delivering from/to Europe, Ukraine.
b) dedicated linehaul Romania-Moldova (launch since March 2016) - B2C.
c) Izrael - Moldova cross-border express-delivery linehaul C2C
d) Autumn 2015 - Promotion and marketing campaign "Nova Poshta Moldova" B2B, B2C.
In charge of:
Key accounts - MLM
Corporate Sales
Active Sales
Marketing & Promotion
24 hours domestic express delivery - (Moldova/Chisinau)
B2B Cross-border delivery

Ноябрь 2013 - Апрель 2015
1 год 6 месяцев

Deputy CEO, international

Wholesale trading company


Due Diligence, Risk Management; Marketing Strategy of New Joint projects;
- to negotiate the contracts, new deals with foreign suppliers (Russia, Ukraine, Romania, China);
- monitoring and benchmarking of local and foreign markets of raw materials (construction, fertilizers, transport infrastructure etc.)
- in charge of new investment projects (Russia);
- in charge of joint venture projects (Ukraine, China);
- export-import operational activity;
- in charge of joint Moldova-Ukrainian "roads rehabilitation" project.

Сентябрь 2009 - Ноябрь 2013
4 года 3 месяца


Different Consulting Projects


Capacity building;
Feasibility study;
Strategic consulting;
New Business Development;
New Product Development;
Marketing Research;
New Market Development


Румынский Свободно владею

Русский Свободно владею

Английский Свободно владею

Французский Свободно владею

Образование: Высшее

Год окончания: 1995

Ukrainian Institute of International Relations at Kiev State University

Факультет: International Relations

Специальность: Master of Arts (M.A.), International Relations

Курсы, тренинги

Год окончания: 1998

Active Sales, Communication Skills, Project Management

Организатор: Mercuri International, www.mercuri.net

Год окончания: 1999

20 keys@

Организатор: ARIA (World Bank)

Пожелания к работе

График работы


Водительское удостоверение

Категория: B

С личным авто

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