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PHP developer

Data creării: ieri

MaxOpen Studio
Peste hotare
De la 500 Până la 1 000 USD

Привет! Мы — «Maxopen», украинская молодая и уже успешная IT-компания, которая специализируется на создании сайтов различного назначения. Сейчас ищем в команду PHP-разработчика. Требования: - Знание PHP7 - Уверенные знания SQL (LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN) - Понимание ООП, навыки работы с MVC-архитектур...

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De la 10 000 Până la 40 000 MDL

A fast-growing translation company is looking for an experienced and motivated Project Manager Assistant to join their team. As a Project Manager Assistant, you will help ensure that translation projects run smoothly by providing organizational and administrative support to the Project Manager. You ...

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Php developer

Actualizat: ieri

Inxty LTD

We are looking for a talented and highly skilled PHP Developer that loves working in small, agile teams and shares our love for technology, accessibility and simplicity. Qualifications: - Excellent knowledge of PHP, SQL (using frameworks, like Yii2 / Laravel / Symfony ) - SQL/MySQL Database - Devel...

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Systems analyst

Data creării: ieri

Peste hotare
1 200 USD

- Analyze business processes and requirements to identify system needs and improvements. - Design, implement, and maintain IT systems to support organizational goals. - Collaborate with stakeholders to gather and document technical specifications. - Evaluate and recommend hardware, software, and net...

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We are looking for a new colleague to fill the Test Automation Engineer position, to develop and execute exploratory and automated tests to ensure product quality. Requirements: At least 3 years of experience in a similar role; Confident knowledge of software QA methodology, processes, and tools; ...

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Data Analyst

Actualizat: ieri

Global Database este un furnizor de date care deține informații pentru peste 130 mil. de companii din 195 de țări prin intermediul platformei noastre online și al soluțiilor integrate de flux de lucru. Ce tip de persoană căutam și cu ce scop? Global Database are ca scop mărirea numărului de compani...

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Do you speak Italian? In Stefanini, if you speak Italian at least medium level, we offer you technical training, so that you can become an IT Support Engineer in our team. Previous experience or technical studies are not required - you only need to have very good communication skills, Italian knowle...

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Do you speak French and English? In Stefanini, if you speak French & English at least medium level, we offer you technical training, so that you can become an IT Support Engineer in our team. Previous experience or technical studies are not required - you only need to have very good communication sk...

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DevOps Engineer (AWS)

Actualizat: ieri

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company, offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developme...

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PHP | Laravel Developer

Actualizat: ieri


We are looking for an experienced software engineer with at least 3 years of work experience to support our team during a transition period. We are seeking a professional with a broad skill set, specifically: Technical skills: Laravel PHP stack - in-depth knowledge and experience required. .NET a...

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Python Developer

Actualizat: ieri

About Company Coherent Solutions is headquartered in United States with 2000+ employees across several development centers in Eastern and Central Europe. We are a top software product engineering and consulting services company offering custom digital solutions, web and mobile application developmen...

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Peste hotare
De la 700 Până la 2 000 USD - компания, в которой более 150 сотрудников работают над созданием лучшего клиентского опыта на рынке США. За 6 лет мы стали настоящими профессионалами в своей нише, и уже сегодня предлагаем группу мультипродуктов – это более 20 видов сервисов логистики, онлайн видео школа, TMS для транспор...

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Peste hotare
De la 800 Până la 1 500 USD - компания, которая уже 6 лет создаёт и продвигает свои продукты на рынке США. Мы предлагаем группу мультипродукто Digital Startup проектов. У нас есть ресурс для развития по всем направлениям деятельности, поэтому ищем сотрудников, чтобы расти вместе. Сейчас компания ищет специалиста по д...

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Job scope: IT On Site Support Responsibilities: To assist end-users in all IT applications and equipment related issues To ensure, as part of the IT team, availability of core IT services (Network, File Servers, Printing, Messaging, Backup & Restore) To take part in the implementation of new IT app...

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Slavena Lux

Если ты: Обладаешь 1 годом опыта работы Знаешь платформы 1C: Предприятие 8 (компоненты и механизмы действия) Знаешь язык программирования для разработки программ 1C: Предприятие 8 Обладаешь опытом автоматизации малых и средних предприятий посредством платформы 1C Чем предстоит заниматься: Разрабо...

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De la 17 000 Până la 20 000 MDL

Мы предлагаем: Опытные коллеги и наставники, которые помогут быстро адаптироваться в компании; Оплачиваемая стажировка; Заработная плата обсуждается индивидуально, зависит от профессионального опыта и экспертности (оклад + KPI); Доступ к онлайн-университету и корпоративной библиотеке, оплачиваемое ...

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Technical Team Lead

Actualizat: ieri


Tekoway is looking for a new colleague to fill the Technical Team Lead position. You will work within an international development team in a squad format in collaboration with the project director, your developers, integrators & our QA. You pilot your squad with your project counterpart and interven...

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Candidatul Ideal Ce căutăm: Înțelegerea proceselor de business în vederea îmbunătățirii și eficientizării acestora; Automotivare, orientare către atingerea țintelor de performanță; Gândire analitică, atenție la detaliu. Reprezintă un avantaj: Experiență practică relevantă pentru domeniu (analiza ...

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Android Developer

Actualizat: ieri


Now we are looking for an Android Developer for the project of developing POS Android applications for legal entities and individuals. If you love innovating and building digital solutions, join us. The first things you will do: Participate according to the competences in the elaboration and mainte...

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Web Developer

Actualizat: ieri


Appassion is an energetic team of web developers building web and mobile applications using no-code technology with classical coding elements. We are passionate about what we do and would like to share our passion and professional approach with more people and businesses across the world. Requiremen...

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Hot Software

Познакомьтесь с нами: HOT SOFTWARE - за динамику и открытость, поэтому в нашей компании царит предпринимательский дух, сочетание азарта и сплочённости, страсть к успеху. Мы создаём высокопродуктивную среду и не боимся преград. Нам часто предстоит выходить из своей роли, проявлять инициативу и настой...

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Câțiva terabytes, o mulțime de tabele, tehnologii Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server și o echipă de iubitori de baze de date. Proiecte cheie și șansa de a lucra într-un domeniu dinamic și mereu în dezvoltare. Acestea sunt lucrurile pe care ar trebui să le stiți dacă vă alăturați echipei :) Ce vei face în...

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HTML Developer

Actualizat: ieri

Hot Software

Get to know us: HOT SOFTWARE stands for dynamism and openness, that is why our company is dominated by an entrepreneurial spirit, a combination of passion and solidarity, a passion for success. We create a highly productive environment and are not afraid of obstacles. We often have to step out of ou...

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Business Analyst 1С

Actualizat: ieri

DAAC digital.

Обязанности: Изучение и документирование бизнес-процессов и функциональных требований в проектах внедрения IT решений; Проектирование комплексных информационных систем на платформе 1С; Подготовка технических предложений; Проведение презентаций технического решения; Подготовка технических заданий дл...

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Fii stăpân pe timpul tău - alege flexibilitatea care se potrivește ritmului tău! Căutăm pentru echipa noastră Instructori de Programare pasionați care să inspire și să ghideze copiii în lumea fascinantă a tehnologiei. În acest rol esențial, vei avea ocazia să creezi o experiență de învățare captivan...

Middle PHP Developer

Actualizat: ieri

1 300 EUR

IT компания Webtech SRL приглашает на постоянную работу PHP backend разработчика. Наши требования: знание PHP php 5.6 / 7.x / 8.x знания mysql: обязательно опыт работы с процедурами/функциями/триггерами mysql. миграции. оптимизация. YII 2 twig, smarty jquery bootstrap git docker/vargant json/XML об...

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Graphic Designer

Actualizat: ieri

Compania Image Marketing își mărește echipa și pentru a implementa în continuare cele mai cool proiecte, avem nevoie de tine! Suntem în căutare de un coleg nou, care ne va ajuta să implementăm proiectele de creație. Cerințe față de candidat: Experiență de muncă într-un post similar, minim 2 ani; Cr...

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Cerințe: Studii superioare în domeniul tehnic; Cunoştințe în domeniul tehnologiilor informaționale și telecomunicaţiilor: (Windows Desktop/Server; Linux (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu); Cunoștințe generale TCP/IP; MSSQL și MySQL; Cunoștințe de bază a sistemelor de monitoring, backup, firewall; Nginx, Apac...

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Peste hotare
De la 850 Până la 1 000 EUR

Duration: 9-12 months Who offers? IAW (Internationale Akademie fur Aus- und Weiterbildung, a non-profit organization based in Baden-Württemberg, Germany) in collaboration with ICG Engineering SRL (a German IT company based in Chisinau, Moldova) For whom? For graduates and students of IT specialties,...

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Мы растем и ищем профессионалов высокого уровня! Мы приглашаем вас в свою команду! Новые горизонты в реализации своих творческих амбиций, опыт работы на международном уровне ждет вас. В работу программиста 1С будет входить: программная доработка конфигураций 1С Предприятие; модификация и обновление...

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Panda Tur

Cerințele față de candidat: Educație medie de specialitate/superioară în domeniu Experiență de lucru ca web-developer Cunoștințe de HTML Înțelegerea principiului de funcționare al WordPress și AmoCRM Experiență în elaborarea, dezvoltarea și menținerea Web-Site-urilor Cunoștințe de PHP, JS, HTML & C...

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Nolte Mezzanine is a leading supplier of cold-rolled and hot-rolled mezzanine floors. With operations in 12 different countries, we specialize in providing high-quality steel structures for various industries. As we continue to grow, we are currently seeking a skilled and experienced Structural Tekl...

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About company: Paynet is a Fintech company with a solid experience in B2B and B2C projects, such as electronic payments processing, customers loyalty programs management, electronic money and on-line payments solutions. We strive to provide the best solutions and services by continually seeking ways...

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Comertbank S.A

Obiectivul postului Să asigure că datele cu caracter personal procesate în cadrul Băncii sunt utilizate conform destinației; Să gestioneze bază normativă internă în domeniul protecției datelor cu caracter personal; Să identifice nonconformitățile din cadrul Băncii în domeniul protecției datelor cu ...

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QA Manual

Actualizat: ieri

О компании: Компания Paynet специализируется на технологических проектах B2B и B2C в области финансовых сервисов (Fintech), такие как процессинг электронных платежей, системы управления лояльностью клиентов, сервисы электронных денег и приёма платежей онлайн. Наши основные ценности: инновации, каче...

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Highest Gear LLC
De la 15 000 Până la 28 000 MDL

Неважно, есть ли у тебя опыт работы или только что возникла идея начать свою первую работу, мы предлагаем тебе возможность испытать свой потенциал! В наш трудовой коллектив идеально впишется работник: 1. владеющий английским языком (на уровне B2+); 2. знающий и использующий комбинации клавиш, а такж...

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Profilul Candidatului: Studii superioare IT, informatică; Cunoașterea tehnologiei de bază de rețea, baze de date, servere, securitate informationala; Experiență în administrarea sistemelor informatice min. 3 ani; Capacitate de organizare și planificare a activităților IT - domeniul de producție con...

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Midnight Works
De la 10 000 Până la 25 000 MDL

Команда Midnight Works в поисках коллеги, который присоединиться к команде в качестве 3D дизайнера и будет анимировать и монтировать ролики под ключ. Обязанности: На основе технического задания и готового арта анимировать и монтировать видео ролики под ключ Создание сцен / анимации персонажей / эфф...

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Proovia IT - Empowering the Future of Technology. In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of technology, Proovia IT stands at the forefront, delivering innovative and cutting-edge solutions to businesses. Whether it's developing a new website, launching a mobile application, or implementing a dig...

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KeepUp Systems
De la 800 Până la 1 000 USD

KeepUp Systems offers IT consulting tailored to client’s needs, focusing on CRM, feedback collection, and quality control. The company also provides software development, infrastructure maintenance, and customization. With expertise in automation, data security, and project management tools, KeepUp...

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Urchin Systems

We are seeking a talented and motivated Web Developer to join our team. As a Web Developer, you will be responsible for developing robust and user-friendly web applications using React and Angular. Your expertise in frontend development, particularly with React, React Hooks, Angular, Typescript, Axi...

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Operator suport tehnic

Actualizat: ieri

Comertbank S.A

Obiectivul postului: Asigură asistenţă utilizatorilor sistemului informaţional și aplicaţiilor soft ale Băncii; Monitorizarea (testare, implementare,etc.) îndeplinirii sarcinilor tehnice formulate de business; Monitorizarea solicitărilor înregistrate pe ServiceDesk. Efectuează întreţinerea şi mo...

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Do you speak English & Turkish? In Stefanini, if you speak English & Turkish at least medium level, we offer you technical training, so that you can become an IT Support Engineer in our team. Previous experience or technical studies are not required - you only need to have very good communication sk...

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Unity Developer

Actualizat: ieri

Midnight Works
De la 20 000 Până la 50 000 MDL

Midnight.Works is expanding its team of Unity 3D professionals! We’re looking for a passionate Game Developer with expertise in Game Development to help create innovative and optimized 3D games for mobile devices. Responsibilities: Develop 3D game from scratch in Unity Code game logic, UI, and othe...

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Наша Компания предоставляет качественные услуги по разработке сайтов, их продвижению и техническому обслуживанию. Все наши заказчики индивидуальны: в нашем списке компании Европы, Америки и ближнего зарубежья. Мы хотим видеть рядом активного человека, которого не пугают сложные задачи и который буде...

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As a Technical Product Analyst at Moorwand Solutions, you will play a crucial role in developing and enhancing our products. You will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams including sales, technical operations, and implementation teams to successfully deliver high-quality fintech solutions...

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Java Developer

Actualizat: ieri

Global Database help businesses drive growth and minimise risks by offering our data and technology. With the solutions we provide, our customers identify high-probability prospects globally, verify them and engage, as well as monitor existing business partners. Every day, hundreds of companies, inc...

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Python Developer

Actualizat: ieri

Global Database help businesses drive growth and minimise risks by offering our data and technology. With the solutions we provide, our customers identify high-probability prospects globally, verify them and engage, as well as monitor existing business partners. Every day, hundreds of companies, inc...

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Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

Location: Chisinau Work Type: Full Time About us: Cedacri International is part of ION Group, a community of visionary innovators, dedicated to providing pioneering software and consultancy services to financial institutions, trading firms, central banks, governments, and corporations around the wor...

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